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39.5.3 Warning Options

These variables are used by users to control what happens when a Lisp program reports a warning.

user option warning-minimum-level​

This user option specifies the minimum severity level that should be shown immediately to the user. The default is :warning, which means to immediately display all warnings except :debug warnings.

user option warning-minimum-log-level​

This user option specifies the minimum severity level that should be logged in the warnings buffer. The default is :warning, which means to log all warnings except :debug warnings.

user option warning-suppress-types​

This list specifies which warning types should not be displayed immediately for the user. Each element of the list should be a list of symbols. If its elements match the first elements in a warning type, then that warning is not displayed immediately.

user option warning-suppress-log-types​

This list specifies which warning types should not be logged in the warnings buffer. Each element of the list should be a list of symbols. If it matches the first few elements in a warning type, then that warning is not logged.