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23.2.2 How Emacs Chooses a Major Mode

When Emacs visits a file, it automatically selects a major mode for the buffer based on information in the file name or in the file itself. It also processes local variables specified in the file text.

command normal-mode \&optional find-file​

This function establishes the proper major mode and buffer-local variable bindings for the current buffer. It calls set-auto-mode (see below). As of Emacs 26.1, it no longer runs hack-local-variables, this now being done in run-mode-hooks at the initialization of major modes (see Mode Hooks).

If the find-file argument to normal-mode is non-nil, normal-mode assumes that the find-file function is calling it. In this case, it may process local variables in the β€˜-*-’ line or at the end of the file. The variable enable-local-variables controls whether to do so. See Local Variables in Files in The GNU Emacs Manual, for the syntax of the local variables section of a file.

If you run normal-mode interactively, the argument find-file is normally nil. In this case, normal-mode unconditionally processes any file local variables.

The function calls set-auto-mode to choose and set a major mode. If this does not specify a mode, the buffer stays in the major mode determined by the default value of major-mode (see below).

normal-mode uses condition-case around the call to the major mode command, so errors are caught and reported as a β€˜File mode specification error’, followed by the original error message.

function set-auto-mode \&optional keep-mode-if-same​

This function selects and sets the major mode that is appropriate for the current buffer. It bases its decision (in order of precedence) on the β€˜-*-’ line, on any β€˜mode:’ local variable near the end of a file, on the β€˜#!’ line (using interpreter-mode-alist), on the text at the beginning of the buffer (using magic-mode-alist), and finally on the visited file name (using auto-mode-alist). See How Major Modes are Chosen in The GNU Emacs Manual. If enable-local-variables is nil, set-auto-mode does not check the β€˜-*-’ line, or near the end of the file, for any mode tag.

There are some file types where it is not appropriate to scan the file contents for a mode specifier. For example, a tar archive may happen to contain, near the end of the file, a member file that has a local variables section specifying a mode for that particular file. This should not be applied to the containing tar file. Similarly, a tiff image file might just happen to contain a first line that seems to match the β€˜-*-’ pattern. For these reasons, both these file extensions are members of the list inhibit-local-variables-regexps. Add patterns to this list to prevent Emacs searching them for local variables of any kind (not just mode specifiers).

If keep-mode-if-same is non-nil, this function does not call the mode command if the buffer is already in the proper major mode. For instance, set-visited-file-name sets this to t to avoid killing buffer local variables that the user may have set.

function set-buffer-major-mode buffer​

This function sets the major mode of buffer to the default value of major-mode; if that is nil, it uses the current buffer’s major mode (if that is suitable). As an exception, if buffer’s name is *scratch*, it sets the mode to initial-major-mode.

The low-level primitives for creating buffers do not use this function, but medium-level commands such as switch-to-buffer and find-file-noselect use it whenever they create buffers.

user option initial-major-mode​

The value of this variable determines the major mode of the initial *scratch* buffer. The value should be a symbol that is a major mode command. The default value is lisp-interaction-mode.

variable interpreter-mode-alist​

This variable specifies major modes to use for scripts that specify a command interpreter in a β€˜#!’ line. Its value is an alist with elements of the form (regexp . mode); this says to use mode mode if the file specifies an interpreter which matches \\`regexp\\'. For example, one of the default elements is ("python[0-9.]*" . python-mode).

variable magic-mode-alist​

This variable’s value is an alist with elements of the form (regexp . function), where regexp is a regular expression and function is a function or nil. After visiting a file, set-auto-mode calls function if the text at the beginning of the buffer matches regexp and function is non-nil; if function is nil, auto-mode-alist gets to decide the mode.

variable magic-fallback-mode-alist​

This works like magic-mode-alist, except that it is handled only if auto-mode-alist does not specify a mode for this file.

variable auto-mode-alist​

This variable contains an association list of file name patterns (regular expressions) and corresponding major mode commands. Usually, the file name patterns test for suffixes, such as β€˜.el’ and β€˜.c’, but this need not be the case. An ordinary element of the alist looks like (regexp . mode-function).

For example,

(("\\`/tmp/fol/" . text-mode)
("\\.texinfo\\'" . texinfo-mode)
("\\.texi\\'" . texinfo-mode)
 ("\\.el\\'" . emacs-lisp-mode)
("\\.c\\'" . c-mode)
("\\.h\\'" . c-mode)

When you visit a file whose expanded file name (see File Name Expansion), with version numbers and backup suffixes removed using file-name-sans-versions (see File Name Components), matches a regexp, set-auto-mode calls the corresponding mode-function. This feature enables Emacs to select the proper major mode for most files.

If an element of auto-mode-alist has the form (regexp function t), then after calling function, Emacs searches auto-mode-alist again for a match against the portion of the file name that did not match before. This feature is useful for uncompression packages: an entry of the form ("\\.gz\\'" function t) can uncompress the file and then put the uncompressed file in the proper mode according to the name sans β€˜.gz’.

Here is an example of how to prepend several pattern pairs to auto-mode-alist. (You might use this sort of expression in your init file.)

(setq auto-mode-alist
;; File name (within directory) starts with a dot.
'(("/\\.[^/]*\\'" . fundamental-mode)
;; File name has no dot.
("/[^\\./]*\\'" . fundamental-mode)
;; File name ends in β€˜.C’.
("\\.C\\'" . c++-mode))