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28.6.4 Merge Commands

Here are the Merge commands for Fast mode; in Edit mode, precede them with C-c C-c:


Select the previous difference.


Select the next difference.


Choose the A version of this difference.


Choose the B version of this difference.

C-u n j​

Select difference number n.


Select the difference containing point.


Quitβ€”finish the merge.


Abortβ€”exit merging and do not save the output.


Go into Fast mode. (In Edit mode, this is actually C-c C-c f.)


Go into Edit mode.


Recenter (like C-l) all three windows. With an argument, reestablish the default three-window display.


Specify part of a prefix numeric argument.


Also specify part of a prefix numeric argument.

d a​

Choose the A version as the default from here down in the merge buffer.

d b​

Choose the B version as the default from here down in the merge buffer.

c a​

Copy the A version of this difference into the kill ring.

c b​

Copy the B version of this difference into the kill ring.

i a​

Insert the A version of this difference at point.

i b​

Insert the B version of this difference at point.


Put point and mark around the difference.


Scroll all three windows down (like M-v).


Scroll all three windows up (like C-v).


Scroll all three windows left (like C-x <).


Scroll all three windows right (like C-x >).


Reset horizontal scroll on all three windows.

x 1​

Shrink the merge window to one line. (Use C-u l to restore it to full size.)

x c​

Combine the two versions of this difference (see Combining in Emerge).

x f​

Show the names of the files/buffers Emerge is operating on, in a Help window. (Use C-u l to restore windows.)

x j​

Join this difference with the following one. (C-u x j joins this difference with the previous one.)

x s​

Split this difference into two differences. Before you use this command, position point in each of the three buffers at the place where you want to split the difference.

x t​

Trim identical lines off the top and bottom of the difference. Such lines occur when the A and B versions are identical but differ from the ancestor version.