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13.12.5 Applying custom styles

The ODT export back-end comes with many OpenDocument styles (see Working with OpenDocument style files). To expand or further customize these built-in style sheets, either edit the style sheets directly or generate them using an application such as LibreOffice. The example here shows creating a style using LibreOffice.

applying custom styles the easy way​

  1. Create a sample β€˜’ file with settings as shown below, and export it to ODT format.

    #+OPTIONS: H:10 num:t
  2. Open the above β€˜example.odt’ using LibreOffice. Use the Stylist to locate the target styles, which typically have the β€œOrg" prefix. Open one, modify, and save as either OpenDocument Text (ODT) or OpenDocument Template (OTT) file.

  3. Customize the variable org-odt-styles-file and point it to the newly created file. For additional configuration options, see Overriding factory styles.

    To apply an ODT style to a particular file, use the β€˜ODT_STYLES_FILE’ keyword as shown in the example below:

    #+ODT_STYLES_FILE: "/path/to/"


    #+ODT_STYLES_FILE: ("/path/to/" ("styles.xml" "image/hdr.png"))

Using third-party styles and templates​

The ODT export back-end relies on many templates and style names. Using third-party styles and templates can lead to mismatches. Templates derived from built in ODT templates and styles seem to have fewer problems.